English translation for "general provisions of civil law"
- 民法通则
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Labour legislations in western countries , includes those where there are labour codes , all stipulate that the general provisions of civil law and commercial law shall be applied to labour relationships 西方国家的劳动立法,即使是在制订了《劳动法典》的国家,也都规定劳动关系要适用民商法的一般规定。 | | 2. | Firstly , the author discloses the problems existed in factoring operation from three angles , that are understanding problems , operation problems and absent of credit system , extends a blueprint for factoring development on the basis of china ' s membership of wto . this part does a comprehensive research on influences of regulations of general provision of civil law and contract law on factoring and assignment of account receivables , and other problems existed in chinese factoring law and regulation 从认识、操作及信用制度三方面说明我国保理业务的现状及存在的问题,分析入世后我国保理业务的前景;分析了《民法通则》和《合同法》等我国现行法律规范对保理和债权让与的相关规定,他们对保理发展的消极和积极影响,以及我国保理立法存在的其他方面的问题。 |
- Similar Words:
- "general protocol" English translation, "general protocol driver" English translation, "general protoplasmic poison" English translation, "general provision of the civil law" English translation, "general provisions" English translation, "general provisions of the civil law" English translation, "general proxy" English translation, "general prudential rule" English translation, "general psychiatric examination" English translation, "general psychology" English translation