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English translation for "general provisions of civil law"


Related Translations:
reducing provisions:  冲减准备金
draft provisions:  条款草案
inspection provision:  检验规定检验准备
standard provisions:  标准条款
installation provision:  安装规定
saving provision:  保留条文
mass provisioning:  大宗供食趸饲
particular provisions:  特殊规定
general provisions:  称为一般条款第11章通用规则一般规定总论总则
call provision:  关于收回债券条款回收的条款提前兑回条款提前赎回(证券)条款提前赎回条款
Example Sentences:
1.Labour legislations in western countries , includes those where there are labour codes , all stipulate that the general provisions of civil law and commercial law shall be applied to labour relationships
2.Firstly , the author discloses the problems existed in factoring operation from three angles , that are understanding problems , operation problems and absent of credit system , extends a blueprint for factoring development on the basis of china ' s membership of wto . this part does a comprehensive research on influences of regulations of general provision of civil law and contract law on factoring and assignment of account receivables , and other problems existed in chinese factoring law and regulation
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